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Title: Plasma vitamin C (ascorbic acid) levels in asthmatic children W
Authors: ADERELE, W. I
Keywords: Plasma concentration
Socio economic class
Ascorbic acid
Asthmatic children
Issue Date: 1985
Citation: Afr J Med Med Sci 1985, 14(3/4). 115-120.
Abstract: Plasma concentration of ascorbic acid was determined in fifty-one asthmatic children and a group of matched controls. The mean ascorbic acid level of 0.54 nig/UK) ml among the asthmatics was significantly lower than a mean of 0.84 nig/100 ml for controls (I* < 0.001). The ascorbic acid level was directly related to the socio-economic class (SC) since asthmatic children from SC I. II and II had significantly limber ascorbic acid levels than those from SC IV and V. There was, however no relationship between the plasma ascorbic acid level and atopy, frequency off asthmatic attacks over the previous 12 months and the duration of asthma. It is postulated that if plasma ascorbic acid level was related to the susceptibility to viral respiratory tract infections, the observed low level of the vitamin in the asthmatics would make them more liable to such infections which are capable of precipitating acute asthmatic attacks. Confirmation of our results would indicate the need for regular ascorbic acid supplements in some children with bronchial asthma.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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