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Title: Ascaris lumbricoides as a vehicle of bacterial infections
Authors: ADEDEJI, S. O.
Keywords: Investigations
Ascaris worms
Micro organisms
Body surface
Bacterial infection
Issue Date: Sep-1986
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci (1986) 15(3/4): 85-92.
Abstract: Investigations were conducted on microflora on the body surface and internal organs of adult Ascaris lumbricoides. The investigations involved examination of wet faecal preparations of over 100 pupils using light microscope. The body surface of the adult Ascaris worms was cultured on selective media. Adult worms were dissected and different parts of the worms' gut were cultured for isolation of micro-organisms. The results of the bacteriological examination of the body surface of A. lumbricoides yielded many genera of bacterial organisms. The results from internal organs of dissected adult Ascaris worm yielded varying percentages of organisms similar to those found on the surface of the worm. The possibility of linking Ascaris infection with this aetiology of pyrexia of unknown origins as commonly seen in tropical regions was discussed.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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