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dc.contributor.authorAkinlolu, A-
dc.contributor.authorAkingbola, T-
dc.contributor.authorSalau, B-
dc.identifier.citationAfr. J Med med. Sci. (2012) 41, Suppl. 145-148en_US
dc.description.abstractThis stud y investigate d Lipid peroxidation status in twent y Nigerians; fiv e (5) healthy subjects and 15 (fifteen ) Haematologica l cancer patients; 5 affected wit h Chroni c Myeloi d leukaemia (CML), 5 (five) with Non-Hodgkin' s Lymphoma and 5 (five) with Multiple Myeloma . Consents wer e sought and received from a ll participants used in the study. lOmls of blood sample s wer e collected in lithium heparin bottles from a l l subject s use d in t h e study . Fre e plasma Malondialdehyd e (MDA ) quantification was used to asses s lipi d peroxidatio n in all subjects. MDA levels wer e increase d in C M L and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma patient s compare d with that of control subjects at P<0.001 . However , a decreased non-significant free plasm a M D A level wa s observed in multiple myeloma patient s compare d with control subjects. Increase in lipi d peroxidatio n status in Nigerians affected with Haematologica l malignancies may be associated with a d y sregulatio n o f antioxidan t system. Lipid peroxidatio n statu s could be used as clinical clue for diagnosis , prognosis and treatment of patients affected wit h haematologica l malignancies.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCollege of medicineen_US
dc.publisherCollege of Medicine University of Ibadanen_US
dc.subjectLipid peroxidationen_US
dc.subjectchronic myeloid leukemiaen_US
dc.titleLipid peroxidation in Nigerians affected with haematological malignanciesen_US
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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