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Title: Possible evidence of angiotensin II and endogenous opioid modulation of novelty-induced rearing in the rat
Authors: AJAYI, A.A
Keywords: angiotensin II
Issue Date: Sep-1994
Publisher: Spectrum Books Limited
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (1994) 23, 287-290
Abstract: Rats treated with captopril (CAP, 10mg/k^ i.p) naltrexone (Nalx 0.1mg/kg i.p) and saralasinc (100ug/kg i.p) displayed significantly less novelty-induced rearing (NIR) compared to saline injected animals. Naltrexone potentiated the inhibitory effect of CAP on NIR. Pretreatment with NALX did not alter SARA-induced decrease in NIR. It is suggested that the endogenous release of All and/or opioids somehow modulate basal rearing activity.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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