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Title: Rheumatoid factor in sera of Nigerian school children with unrinary schistosomiasis
Authors: Arinola, O.G
Salimonu, L.S
Keywords: Rheumatoid factor (RF)
Issue Date: 2000
Citation: Afr. J Med med Sci (2000) 29, 329 - 330
Abstract: Rheumatoid factor (RF) has been demonstrated in the sera of subjects subjects with autoimmune diseases L hepatitis malaria, leishmaniasis, trypanosomiasis L5J, visceral larva migrans tuberculosis leprosy , syphilis and bacterial periodontitis . Literature concerning the presence of RF in USS subjects was not encountered. Moreso, in our previous study increased levels of IgM in Nigerian USS subjects could not be linked wit IgM-RF considering the rarity of autoimmune diseases in Africans and the young ages of USS subjects used for the study. The present study determined the prevalence of RF in the sera of Nigerian children with different severities of USS
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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