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dc.contributor.authorArije, A-
dc.contributor.authorKadiri, S-
dc.contributor.authorAkinkugbe, O.O-
dc.identifier.citationAfr. J Med med. Sci. (2000) 29, 311 - 314en_US
dc.description.abstractThe viability of hemodialysis a«; renal failure in a developing economv f°r assessed in this study to determine whether gen* Was huge capital in establishing such centra 5?mm,tt,n8 country is justifiable. A total of 1 58 nnf- I .over the ,ha 0«„a Dialysis P« *• « (January 1991 - December 1993) were were 1 I 2 males and 46 females rant>in dlcd- ^ere 15 and 81 years. 17 of patients h?H ^ bctween (ARF) while 14, had ^1^^,^^ During the penod of study, a total of ,,452 d,alv2 sessions were earned out rangmg between" and 77 sess.ons per month (mean 40 sessions/month) D.alys" sessions ranged between 1 and 101 sessions per patient A progressive increase in the number of dfalvs.s sessions between 1991 and 1993 was noted, and new patients who required dialysis were being seen atVr ! °f IHtWfTenAa?d 10 PCr m°n,h Patien," Jo y* ;0( d;;°; ta,yS'S r ,ess tha" °"e month while only 3 (1.9/o) could afford to continue dialysis for over 12 months. All cases of ARF (exccpt one) recovered normal renal function after dialysis, while I 16 CRF patients were discharged home after less than 10 sessions of dialysis due to financial constraints. The study shows that hemodialysis is a relevant treatment option for renal failure even in a developing economy like Nigeria subject to adequate health planning. The major limitations to its profitable utilization under the present health care dispensations are highlighteden_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCollege of Medicineen_US
dc.subjectdeveloping economyen_US
dc.subjectrenal failureen_US
dc.titleThe viability of hemodialysis as a treatment option for renal failure in a developing economyen_US
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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