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Title: Effectiveness of trabeculectomy on glaucoma patients in Ibadan
Authors: Agbeja- Baiyeroju, A M
Omoruyi, M
Owoaje, E T
Keywords: Glaucoma
black patient
Issue Date: 2001
Citation: Afr J. Med. Med. Sci. (2001) 30:39-42
Abstract: This study was designed to determine the effectiveness of trabeculectomy on African patients. All patients who underwent trabeculectomy over a 10-year period, January 1987 to December 1996 were included in the study. Information extracted from their ease notes included age, sex type of glaucoma, number of years of glaucoma before surety, eye involved, and visual acuity pre-operatively and post operatively. Intraocular pressures at presentation, prc operativcK and post opcrativdy (2 days, 1 week, 3 months. 6 months, 12 months and last clinic visit) were also recorded. Other data collected included pro-operative antiglaucoma therapy, additional techniques at surgery, complications of surgery, presence of a filtering bleb and follow-up period post operatively. A success rate of 91.2% was obtained from 433 eyes operated upon. The most significant outcome was the presence of a filtering Web which had a better success rate than the absence of a bleb. High success rates were recorded in the age groups ">60 years and 20-40 years", the lowest success rate was in the "less than 20 years of age" AH the patients with developmental glaucoma had a successful outcome (100%) while only 50% of the secondary glaucoma were successful. Patients with open angle glaucoma had 92% success rate. Complications of surgery were mostly transient. It was concludcd thai the prescncc of a bleb was a good indication of the control of intraocular pressure and that cariy surgery gave a more successful outcome than late surgery
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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