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Title: Fournier's gangrene in Ibadan
Authors: Okeke, LI
Keywords: Fournier 's gangrene, ,
Issue Date: 2000
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci (2000) 29, 323 - 324
Abstract: Twenty six patients with Fournicrs gangrene seen over an 8 year period at the University College Hospital Ibadan are presented. Their ages ranged from 34years to 70years with a mean o 52.5years. Possible predisposing conditions were present in 17(65%) patients. The anterior scrotal skin alone was most commonly involved. They were treated with sysemic antibiotics, wound debridement and sitz baths. While e wound healed spontaneously on this regimen in 6(23%) patients, 19(73%) patients required suture closure of their clean granulating wounds. None required rotational skin flap septoplasty and no deaths occured. It is stressed that because of the independent arterial supply and venous drainage ° l j testes' even when the entire scrotum has sloughed, orchiectomy should never be considered a managed option.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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