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Title: Serum immunoglobulins, total protein and albumin levels during UniplantR use by Nigerian Women
Authors: Adckunle, A.O
Okunlola, M.A
Arowojolu, A.O
Arinola, O
Salimonu, L.S
Keywords: Immunoglobulins
UniplantR subdermal implants
total proteins
Issue Date: 2001
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2001) 30. 265-268
Abstract: The cffccts of UniplantR (a new, long-acting, 19-nor-progcsterone derivative contraceptive) on serum immunoglobulins, albumin and total proteins were determined in Nigerian women during one year of use. Blood samples were collected prior to implant insertion and then at the third, sixth and twelfth months of use. All volunteers were in the reproductive age, healthy and had no contraindications to hormonal contraception. The mean levels of IgG (± SD) increased from pre-insertion to the twelfth month. When compared with the pre-insertion level (1,393.93 ± 93.51 mg/dL), there are statistically significant increases in the mean values of IgG at three (1,457.19 ± 78.41 mg/dL, p <0.05), six (1,458.12 ± 65.26 mgd/L, p <0.05) and 12 months (1,499.56 ± 87.60 mg/dL, p <0.001). There were no statistically significant changes observed in the mean serum levels of IgA, IgM and total proteins during twelve months of implant use. These results indicate that while Uniplant does not seem to alter the levels of IgA, IgM, albumin and total proteins over a period of twelve months, it may induce significant increase in IgG levels. The raised mean serum levels of IgG may suggest an improved humoral immunity of Uniplant - a change that is potentially beneficial
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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