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Title: Species Differences in the Anticoagulant Activities of Aflatoxin B, and 4-Hydroxycoumarin
Authors: Bababunmi, E.A
Bassir, O
Keywords: Anticoagulant
4- Hydroxycoumarin
Aflatoxin B1
Issue Date: 1972
Publisher: Blackwell Scientific Publications
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci.1972: 3, 97-103.
Abstract: A study of the effects of aflatoxin Bt (dose 58 /*g/kg) and 4-hydroxycoumarin (dose 50 mg/kg) on blood clotting in eleven animal species has been made by following the thrombo-test times. The results of the experiments indicated that there is a species variation in the anticoagulant activities of aflatoxin B1 and 4-hydroxycoumarin. A relationship between the anticoagulant activities of these coumarin compounds and the nutritional status of each animal species is discussed.
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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