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Title: Comparative effect of lisinopril and lacidipine urinary albumin 'excretion in patients with type 11 diabetic nephopathy
Authors: Salako, BL
Olatosin, AO
Arije, A
Kadiri, S
Finomo, FO
Keywords: Comparative effects
albuminuria type 2
Issue Date: Mar-2002
Citation: Afr. J. Med med Sci (2002) 31. 53-57
Abstract: This study was carricd out to assess whether with a similar degree of blood pressure reduction, Lisinopril compares favorably or otherwise with lacidipine in respect of effects on urinary albumin excretion and renal function as assessed by creatinine clearance, plasma creatinine, urea and electrolytes.Thirty hypertensive diabetic nephropathy patients with moderate hypertension were studied. After a 2-week washout period, they were allocated into two groups matched at baseline for age, sex, weight, blood pressure, and urinary albumin excretion rate as well as creatinine clearance. There were 8 males and 7 females in each group. One group received lisinopril (with furosemide if needed to control BP) and the other group received lacidipine. Staged increases in doses of antihypertensives were used until BP was controlled or maximum dose of 40mg/day lisinopril or 8mg/day lacidipine was reached. Furosemide was added to lisinopril if BP was not controlled at 40mg/day. These medications were given for 12 weeks at the end of which measurements done at baseline were repeated. Comparison of baseline and end of study values of these parameters within the groups and between the two groups were made. Lisinopril group and lacidipine group achieved similar and highly significant reduction in blood pressure levels P < 0.001.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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