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Title: Pregnancy after heart valve replacement - Case report
Authors: Ezemba, N
Eze, J. C
Onah, H. E
Anisiuba, B. C
Aghaji, M. A. C
Ezike, H. A
Keywords: Heart valve replacement
Issue Date: Sep-2004
Citation: Afr. J Med. med. Sci (2004) 33:271-274
Abstract: There is an increased risk of thromboembolism, antico agulant-related haemorrhage, foetal-wastage, and conges tive cardiac failure in pregnant women with mechanical heart valves. Pregnancy in such patients is a high risk venture. In order to have a good outcome, the care of such patients must necessarily be multidisciplinary and in a well equipped centre with adequate support services. One such patient who had mechanical mitral valve replacement in 1986 and was on warfarin anticoagulant presented in April 2003 with a first trimester pregnancy. She was in sta ble haemodynamic state and went through pregnancy with out event. Delivery was by an elective caesarian section at 38 weeks gestation. The care of this patient during preg nancy. delivery, and puerperium is the basis of this report.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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