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Title: Emotional reactions of relatives to schizophrenic patients in Lagos, Nigeria
Authors: Reicher, B
Adeyemi, JD
Lawal, RA
Famuyiwa, OO
Haruna, AY
Jibodu, MO
Keywords: Expressed emotions
Families previous hospitalization
Developing nations.
Issue Date: Mar-2003
Publisher: Spectrum Books Limited
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. sci (2003) 32. 7-11
Abstract: Unlike what obtain s in the developed countries, not much is know n about the expressed emotions (EE) o f the family to mental illness in developing nations, including Nigeria . Therefore , the objective o f this study is to investigate the EE among family members to schizophrenic s in Lagos, Nigeria. T h e Camberwell Family Interview wa s conducted with Nigerian family members of 19 schizophrenics whose symptoms were further ascertained using the Present State Examination [9], Sixty-three percent o f the family sample showed high expressed emotion s (HEE). T h e proportion of H E E families increased progressively with the number of previous hospitalization (r = 1, p = 0.000). T h e mea n ratings o f Critical Comment , Warmth and Positive Remarks were , respectively , 6.1 ( ± 3.8), 2.6 ( ± 0.9) and 2.2 ( ± 0.9) and 2.2 ( ± 1.3). T h e proportion s o f relatives showin g Emotional Over-Involvement a n d Hostility were , respectively, 26.3 % a n d 31.6%. T h e correlation between Warmth a n d Critical Comment w a s -0.39. T h e findings were compare d with those of a key cross-cultural study of EE a n d t h e implication s highlighted.
Description: ARTICLE
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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