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Title: Dental education in Nigeria The journey so far and the way Forward
Authors: Jeboda, S O
Keywords: Dental
Dental sciences
Issue Date: Mar-2003
Publisher: Spectrum Books Limited
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci (2003) 32; 221-225
Abstract: I bring specia l retiremen t greeting s fro m t h e Schoo l o f Denta l Science s o f t h e Colleg e o f Medicin e o f t h e University o f Lago s a n d als o fro m t h e Facult y o f Denta l Surgery o f t h e Nationa l Postgraduat e Medica l Colleg e o f Nigeri a t o o u r ver y distinguishe d a n d highl y respecte d senior colleagu e in t h e perso n o f Professo r Henr y Ajiboy e Ajagbe . Whe n I learn t o f t h e retiremen t o f Prof. Ajagbe , what quickly cam e to m y min d w a s that Dentistry in Nigeri a and indeed in Afric a will b e missio n t h e service s o f anothe r giant pillar in t h e profession . 1 the n consolve d mysel f b y settling dow n a n d appreciatin g wha t Professo r Ajagb e and a f e w others hav e contribute d t o t h e growt h a n d developmen t o f Dentistr y in Nigeria , especiall y in t h e last few years a n d especiall y durin g t h e perio d o f massiv e movemen t o f denta l personne l t o t h e greene r pastures, and I the n conclude d tha t this a m a n w h o c a n stan d hig h and chest o u t tha t h e h a s contribute d t o t h e developmen t of denta l professio n in Nigeria . I hav e interacte d wit h Professo r Ajagb e in s o man y ways. Apart fro m h e bein g m y teacher, I hav e serve d o n man y panels wit h h i m a n d hav e als o co-examine d wit h him. All thes e dat e a s f a r bac k t o 196 5 till date . A l l alon g I have leamt a lot fro m h i m h e is a teacher, a n uncl e a n d a leader worth y o f emulation . Whe n Dr.Lawoyin , t h e A g . Dean o f t h e Facult y o f Dentistr y at t h e Universit y o f Ibadan, requeste d m e t o giv e a lectur e in honou r o f Professor Ajagbe's retirement , I regarde d this a s a honou r a n d a chanc e t o sho w appreciatio n t o t h e retirin g Professor f o r h is contributio n t o Dentistr y in Nigeria .
Description: ARTICLE
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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