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Title: Violence and HIV/AIDS prevention among female out-of-school youths in Southwestern Nigeria: lessons learnt from interventions targeted at hawkers and apprentices
Authors: Fawole, O.I
Ajuwon, A .J
Osungbade, K.O
Keywords: HIV/AIDS
Issue Date: 2004
Citation: Afr. J. Med. Med. Sci. (2004) 33:347-353.
Abstract: Between 1997 and 2003, four studies on hawkers and apprentices in motor parks and work shops in south west, Nigeria were carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing HIV infection and gender based violence (GBV). The studies were in 3 phases namely baseline survey, intervention and end line survey. Intervention s consistin g of:- developmen t a n d distributio n of educatio n materials and trainin g programmes for the police, judiciary, instructors, drivers, traders and apprentices/hawkers, including micro-credit facilities were implemented in some of the studies. The major lessons learnt were that: Young girls working in the informal sector of the Nigerian economy face dual risks of HI V infection and GBV and yet they arc seldom targets of intervention; Many had been victims of GBV and did not seek redress either because they accept it is their lot, are afraid of being stigmatized or are put off the prolonged legal system; Perpetrators tend to deny their involvement in violence ; Despit e t h e challenge s involved , interventions implemented among female apprentices and hawkers, especiall y thos e that involv e multipl e stakeholders, made a differenc e in protecting this group from dual risks of G BV and HIV/AIDS infection. We recommen d mor e intervention programme s for this population, and regulation of activities in the informal sector of the Nigerian economy.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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