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Title: Sexual activity among adolescents in llorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
Authors: Abdulkarim, AA
Mokuolu, OA
Adeniyi, A
Keywords: Adolescents
Sexual activity
Lowering of age
Issue Date: Dec-2003
Publisher: College of medicine
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci (2003) 32; 339-341
Abstract: With the aid of a self-administered questionnaire, sexual activity was investigated among 1.200 students aged IO-19years. Two hundred and sixty-four (23.7%) respondents indicated they were sexually active. The mean age at first intercourse was 11.3 years (SD=5 S years), while the average number of sex partner was 2- 3 Multiple sexual partners were found in 99 (69.2%) of the males and in 16(32.7%) of the females (P < 0.05). Males were more sexually active. 189 (32.8%) compared with 73( 13.7%) females( P<0.05) males were more sexually active,189(32.8%) compared with 73(13.7%) females (P=0.000001.RR=2.4(1.88-3.05) Two hundred fifty-three(23.4%) of those respondants who claimed to be highly religious had sexual intercourse compared with 7 (50%) of those who claimed not to be religious (/>= 0.02; PR = 0.47 (0.27-0 80) Those whose parents lived together were less likely to be sexually active 184 (21.2%) versus 47 (34.S%) (/>=0.005). It is therefore concluded that our adolescents especially males remain sexually active It also demonstrates the dramatic lowering of age at first intercourse Family supervision and level of religious activity were recognized as factors that have significant impact on sexual activity. Preventive efforts must therefore focus on these issues with active involvement of the Pediatrician, parents and religious leaders.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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