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Title: A post rotation survey of medical students attitude to radiology
Authors: Adeyekun, A A
Keywords: Radiology rotation
Medical students
Issue Date: Dec-2003
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2003) 32, 405-I07
Abstract: The objective o f the study is to determine the effect o f a three - week radiology rotation on the attitudes and knowledge of medical students about the specialty. It w a s found that the students believed in the relevance of radiology in the medical school curriculum and its importance to future medical practice. There was acceptable level of awareness of radiation protection. However, the rotation failed to change the misconception o f Radiologists enormous workload with resultant bias t o the specialty. It is concluded that the rotation had a mixed effect on student's knowledge and perception of radiology. This finding is comparable with other studies done in industrialize d countries. Measure s aimed at improving the unfavourable attitudes are suggested.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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