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Title: Sex determination from pulp tissues of teeth subjected to different physical conditions and times after extraction
Authors: Eboh, D E O
Ekanem, V J
Aigbekan, C
Keywords: Teeth pulp tissues
Barr bodies
Forensic human identification
Sex determination
Sex chromatin
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2015) 44, 117-124.
Abstract: Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of sex determination from observation of Barr bodies in cells of tooth pulp tissue subjected to different physical conditions and duration of time after extraction. Method: The study comprised 150 teeth of subjects (male 50% and female 50%) who were randomly sampled. The teeth were grouped according to the conditions and times they were subjected to before extirpation of pulp tissues as follows: immediately after extraction; after I month in stagnant water; after staying at room temperature for 1 month, 3 months and 5 months post extraction and; after being subjected to varied degrees of temperature. The pulp tissues were fixed in 10% formal saline and processed for H&E stain. The presence of a cell with visible Barr body was considered positive for women. Results: Sex chromatin were observable in the female preparations up to a duration of five months after extraction; teeth left in stagnant water for 1 month; and teeth subjected to temperature up to 400 °C. There was no positive cell in preparations of male subjects. Conclusion: Teeth pulp tissues arc reliable evidence in forensic human identification by sex in varied physical conditions and times of death.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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