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Title: Comparative determination of halofantrine tablets by titrimetry, spectrophotometry and liquid chromatography
Authors: Kolade, YT
Adegbolagun, OM
Idowu, OS
Babalola, CP
Olaniyi, AA
Keywords: spectrophotometry
Halofantrine hydrochloride tablets
nonaqueous titrimetry
liquid chromatogaphy
Issue Date: Mar-2006
Citation: Afr. J. Med .med Sci (2006) 35. 79-84
Abstract: Comparative determination of halofanlrinc tabids by titrimetry. ultraviolet spectrophotometry and liquid chromatography (LC) is described. Non-aqueous til ri met ry'on halofanlrinc hydrochloride tablets was carried out using glacial acetic acid as solvent. perchloric acid as litrant and crystal violet as indicator. Simultaneous potcntioinctric monitoring of end point delineated an exact color shade of indicator at the end point. Direct measurement of methanol solution, at 254nm. was adopted for UV spectrophotometry method while reversed-phase liquid chromatographic (LC) method employed a C8 column (4.6mm x 25cm) with mobile phase consisting of methanol / 0.05 M NaH.PO, (76:24. v/v) containing 55mmol/L perchloric acid (pH 3.4) at a flow rate of 1 ml / min. The three methods gave precisc and accurate results. Mean percentage recover) were obtained respectively as 100.73± 0.41. 100.36±0.79 and 99.93±3.74 % while coefficient of variation were 0.41. 1.36 and 3.74 % for non-aqueous. UV spcctrophotomctiy and LC. The three methods were successfully applied to analysis of halofanlrinc tablets (HalfanW) and showed no statistically significant difference in accuracy (P>0.()5. ANOVA). Validated assay methods for halofanlrinc tablets have been developed. The titrimetric and spectrophotometry methods arc of equivalent accuracy with the liquid chromatographic method and could be used for routine qualitv control of halofanlrinc tablets where LC method is not readily available
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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