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dc.contributor.authorOloge, M.O.-
dc.contributor.authorAdegoke, A.O-
dc.contributor.authorIwalewa, E.O-
dc.contributor.authorAdemowo, O.G-
dc.identifier.citationAfr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2016) 45, 159- 169.en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Gedunin, a limonoid, is linked with antimalarial, anticancer and anti-allergic activities. This study was aimed at preparing an inclusion complex of gedunin and 2-hydroxypropyl-P-cyclodcxtrin (11130) to increase solubility of gedunin in polar solvents which will increase absorption and bioavailability in vivo and thus enchance pharmacological effccts. Materials and methods: Gedunin was obtained from the hcxanc extract of Entandrophragma angolense heart wood by column and preparative thin layer chromatography . The structure was previously confirmed by spectroscopic means (NMR). The electronic absorption spectra data of the complexes formed between gedunin and HBD in various solvents was determined using the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The stoichiomctry of inclusion was determined by Job's method of continuous variation. Results: Evidence of interaction was observed between gedunin and HBD in the various solvents but gedunin and its complex with HBD exhibited sharp absorption band s in acetate buffer (pH 3.5). The spectrophotometric titrations showed curves with a single point of inflexion when the experiment was carried out at 25°C (298 K) and 37°C (310 K). A stoichiometric ratio of 1:1 for complex formation was obtained. The formation constants ( £ ) obtained at 25°C and 37 °C were 9.539 x 10* IVT1 and 1.853 x 10' M"1 respectively. Thermodynamic considerations revealed hydrophobic interaction between gedunin and HBD. Conclusion: A stable inclusion complex of gedunin and HBD was formed at room and body temperature. This complex formation involved trapping of poorly soluble gedunin into the hydrophobic core of the cyclodextrin and may enhancc the pharmacological activity of gedunin in vivo.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCOLLEGE OF MEDICINEen_US
dc.subjectThermodynamic considerationsen_US
dc.titleSpectrophometric studies of a novel Gedunin-2-Hydroxypropyl- cyclodextrin binary system , AO Adcgokc 2 , EO hvalewa 3 and OG Ademowo3 'en_US
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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