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Title: Genital ulcer diseases among HIV-infected female commercial sex workers in Ibadan, Nigeria
Authors: Fayemiwo, S.A
Odaibo, G.N
Oni, A.A
Ajayi, A.A
Bakare, R.A
Olaleye, D.O
Keywords: Genital
Issue Date: 2011
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2011) 40, 39-46
Abstract: We evaluated the prevalence and association of Genital Ulcer Diseases (GUDs) among HIV-1 infected female commercial sex workers (FCSWs) in Ibadan, Nigeria. A total of 2 5 0 FCSWs from brothels in Ibadan were tested for presence of antibodies to HIV and Syphilis. Pelvic examinations for signs of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were carried out on the subjects. Endocervical and high vaginal swabs were collected from each of the subjects to establish laboratory diagnosis of STIs. Their age ranged from 15 to 55 years (Mean = 25.8yrs; SD =3.74). Majority (246/250) were Nigerians, while 1.6% were from neighboring West African countries. Sixty lour (25.6%) of the subjects were positive for HIV-1 while seven (2.8%) had dual HIV-1/2 infection. Analysis of the STIs showed that 49 (19.6%) of the CSWs had GUDs. Herpes genitalis was the commonest GUDs as it occurred in 25 (10%) of the subjects. Other STIs identified were chancroid (5.6%), syphilis (4.0%) and lymphogranuloma venerum (LGV) (4%). Sixteen (64.0%) of the CSWs with herpes genitalis had HIV-1 infection. The risk ratio of herpes genitalis for HIV acquisition was 3.0 (95% CI: 2.0 - 4.4). Syphilis and chancroid were also found to be significantly associated with increased risk of HIV infection (p< 0.05) respectively. There is need to educate FCSWs continually to adopt safer sexual behaviors, seek early diagnosis and treatment of GUDs to reduce their risk of transmitting HIV infection
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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