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Authors: AKPAN, E. A.
Keywords: Leprosy control
Behavioural factors
Issue Date: 1990
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to appraise the operation of leprosy services in selected leprosy institutions in Nigeria, and to assess the adequacy or otherwise of the services in the context of the present national policy on leprosy control. The objectives therefore are; to identify the facilities and services available in leprosy control institutions; to determine the adequacy or otherwise of staffing in the Leprosy control institutions; to determine the logistic and allied problems in the operation of leprosy services; to determine the attitude the attitude of leprosy workers towards leprosy patients; and to suggest strategies for strengthening and optimising leprosy control measures in the country. Five leprosy institutions were selected for the study, one from each of the four primary health care zones into which two institutions were selected. The study instruments and methods were questionnaires, interviews, discussions and observations. The major findings included the following: (1) Services provided at the institutions included case-finding, chemotherapy, physiotherapy, diagnostic services, health education, general health care and rehabilitation. (ii) while some of the institutions were adequately staffed for the control programme, others were understaffed, and health educators were conspiciously lacking. (iii) while the institutions had adequate infrastructure for the control programme (which for in-patients, a theatre, diagnostic services, electricity and pipe borne water and many satellite clinics), lack of transportation posed a major problem to field work; and (iv) leprosy workers are not averse to working with leprosy patients , consequently, federal government financial assistance is called for in the control programme to allow for training of staff, recruitment of health educators, and purchase of vehicles.
Description: A Thesis in the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, College of Medicine, submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Health Education), University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Appears in Collections:Theses in Preventive and Social Medicine

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