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Keywords: HIV-related risk behaviours
Out-of-school adolescents
Out-of-school youths
Ilorin metropolis
Issue Date: Jun-2004
Abstract: In order to implement effective preventive measures for the control of HIV/ AIDS, there is need for more information on the perception, attitude and knowledge of AIDS and the HIV risk behaviours of adolescents and youths. This descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among 315 randomly selected adolescents and youths between 10-24 years of age in llorin Metropolis in order to determine the prevalence and correlates of HIV risk behaviours. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data over a period of four months (Jan-April, 2004). Focus Group Discussion was also carried out to complete the information obtained from the questionnaire. Most of the respondents were 15-19 years old (47.6%) from polygamos family (62.5%) of low socio economic status and 47.6% had completed secondary school. More than two-thirds (74.3%) were aware of AIDS. The major source of information was from friends (36.5%). Only 58.4% knew that AIDS can be transmitted through sexual intercourse and 14.9% knew virus to be a causative agent. About a quarter (24.4%) said AIDS was due to wrath of God while 34.4% had no idea. Two hundred and thirty five (74.6%) were sexually active, and of this, 66.4% had multiple partners and only 38.1% always practiced the use of condom during sexual intercourse. "Decreased pleasure" (35.8%) was the main reason for not using condoms. There is a correlation between positive attitude towards condom use and frequency of use (p<0.05). There was also a significant relationship between social class and frequency of sexual intercourse (p<0.05). Female empowerment will help to reduce this risk. Moral decadence and decreased parental care are noticed through FGD in this study to increase the susceptibility of respondents to taking risks. The findings from this study would be useful for designing health education interventions outside the school environment and for behavioural surveillance or adolescents and youths. A peer-education intervention with government support for adolescent and youth sexual education and sexuality will help in reducing the risk of HIV among out-of school adolescents and youths. There is also an urgent need to promote AIDS campaign among out-of-school adolescents and youths because of limited knowledge on HIV and high-risk behaviours practiced.
Description: A Dissertation submitted to the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Faculty of Public Health, University of Ibadan, in partial fulfillment for the requirement for the award of Masters of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Appears in Collections:Dissertations in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics

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