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Title: Inter-comparison of absorbed dose to water in a Co-60 therapy beam using IAEA and HPA protocols
Authors: Farai, I.P
Kadni, T
Keywords: Absorbed dose
Co-60 beam quality
Issue Date: 2000
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2000) 29, 219 - 221
Abstract: The absorbed dose water in a Co-60 teletherapy beam has ch^hmeaSUr<?- Whh f°Ur diffcrent stan^ard ionisation chambers applying two codes of practice and also, with a *5? l2Slmeter" Measured values agree generally within ' Th^re 1S a remarkable agreement of less than 0.3% vanation, between ionisation chambers NE 2561 and NE 2481 when the IAEA protocol is applied. The HPA protocol is applicable to only NE 2561 and a variation of about 1.4% was observed between measurements made with this ionisation chamber applying the two protocols. The IAEA protocol shows very accurate results. With a deviation of about 2.2%, the Frickle dosimeter appears to be the least accurate for therapy dose measurement despite its simplicity of application
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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